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father’s recalling his past
父亲追忆他的过去  detail>>
a word spoken is past recalling
露相非真人 真人不露相  detail>>
his father
其父  detail>>
回味旅游  detail>>
his father grabs his hand
他的父亲紧握着他的手掌  detail>>
after his father’s death
在他父亲去世后  detail>>
father and his son
父子俩  detail>>
father of his country
国父  detail>>
for a father and his son
离开了一个父亲和他的儿子  detail>>
his or her father
厥父  detail>>
osho and his father
奥修和他的父亲  detail>>
the deceased was his father
去世的是他父亲  detail>>
the father and his children
父亲和孩子们  detail>>
the father and his sons
父亲和儿子们 父亲与儿子们  detail>>
the father and his two daughters
父亲和他的两个女儿 父亲与他的两个女儿  detail>>
to please his heavenly father
要叫天父的心喜悦  detail>>
understand his kind father
理解他好心的父亲  detail>>
his prehistoric past
史前时期的人类  detail>>